While pairing Pickle with Zoom makes your wall-to-wall meetings a breeze to deal with, adding your Google Calendar on top of it makes you a productivity machine.

You will know when any meeting is coming up without opening your calendar app and can join your Zoom call right from Pickle in seconds. Fewer tabs open is always a plus!

Joining meeting in Pickle.gif

How to Connect Google Calendar to Pickle

To activate the Google Calendar integration within the Pickle App, log in to your Pickle account at https://app.pickleai.com.

Option 1

1. Navigate to the integrations page located on the side navigation bar (on the left-hand side).

Navigate to GCal in settings (1).gif

2. On the Google Calendar card, click the three dots on the left-most side. You will see a pop-out window that says "Connect". Click it.

Pickle GCal connect GIF.gif

3. Select the Google account you would like to connect to Pickle.

4. Select "Allow" in the bottom left corner of the authorization page


5. Check the connection by going back to the "Integrations" page in Pickle and looking for "Connected" (green) on the left-most side of the Google Calendar card.


Option 2

1. Navigate to the "Connect your calendar" button (grey) in the top right-hand corner of the platform. Click the button.

Connect GCal in hompage.gif

2. A popup window will appear. Click "Sign in with Google".