"An emoji is worth a thousand words." or something like that. 🖼

Give meeting notes & team conversations deeper meaning with a range of emotions!

Glass case of emotion.gif

How to insert emojis in meeting notes

1. Use Library to find any recording. Click on the file name to land on the recording page.

2. Once in the recording, click & drag to highlight any part of the transcript. A menu will appear. Click on 'Create Note' (pen icon).

Emoji in notes overview.gif

3. A 'New Note' popup window will appear. Type in your desired note & click the 'face icon' below the field. A popup of emojis will appear. Select any to express yourself.



4. Click 'Create' and your note will save with the emoji included.


How to insert emojis in threaded conversations

1. Hover over any meeting note, a menu will appear. From this menu, click 'Add comment' (quote bubble icon) to open a conversation thread.


2. A side window will pop out. Type out your comment & add an emoji!

Comments & mentions overview.gif
