Let's face it: sales teams want as much info as possible with the least amount of effort (I know I'm guilty).

Pickle makes it simple for reps to show leaders & team members exact meeting highlights by commenting & tagging them on any smart note or snapshot.

Sending them a notification to review the comments along with the ability to jump right into the moment for more context.

let me show you (1).gif

How we use it: a prospect asked about a future integration during a sales meeting. We comment & tag our product team on that Smart Note. They will get an email with a link that takes them directly to that meeting highlight to review.

Comments & mentions overview (1).gif

Tag teammates during the meeting

Have a question come up during a meeting?

Tag a teammate during the meeting to bring it to their attention!

Tagging a teammate during meeting.gif

Threaded Conversation & @ Mentions - Loop in the team anytime

1. Search & select the recording you want to comment on in the Library.

Library search (2).gif

2. Navigate to the right-hand column. Click on the 'Notes' tab & hover over any note or snapshots you wish to leave a comment on.


3. A side window will pop out. Type out your comment (bottom of the screen).

Comments & mentions overview (2).gif

You can also type '@' in the text box & your team members' names will appear. Select one or multiple to send a notification to.
