While Markers are meant for automatically labeling keywords that come up frequently, Tags filter specific meeting types and group recordings together if they're with the same person and/or company.
Tags make recordings more searchable in your Library.
Some Tag examples we use to help with further search filtering here at Pickle:
There are three methods to creating a tag:
Now type in the word(s) you wish to tag the meeting with.
Select a tag color and hit the "Create a New Tag" button. Boom done!
In the recordings page (click on the hyperlinked file name of the call on the Library page to get there).
Once on the recordings page, click "Add Tag" in the top right corner.
Now type in the word(s) you wish to tag the meeting with. Select a tag color and hit the "Create a New Tag" button. Boom done!
On the "Tags" page under “Settings”
Navigate to Settings in the Sidebar. Click the dropdown & select Tags.
Click the purple button "Add Tag" on the right top corner.
Enter the word(s) you wish to tag the call with, select a tag color, and hit the "Add" button. Bam done!
Once created, assign the tag(s) to any meeting on its individual recording page.
Now, this is where the magic happens: searching for the custom tag you created.
When you want to find the needle in the haystack. Click 'More filters' in the search filter section. Click the 'Tags' dropdown and select the Tag you want to search for.